Children's Author | Book Lover


Where I wrote #8

It’s been a while since I’ve kept the world informed of my writing habits. I know. Edge of seats stuff. Fear not though, the writing hasn’t stopped, just the navel gazing. But stuff has happened. I learned about the difference between and, and moved my stuff to ORG …

Where I wrote #7

The sun has been shining of late in good old Melbourne town. I don’t even know how to write in the sunshine. I’m used to huddling up in a blanket watching sport with fingertips braving the elements to move the pen over my notebook. So, honestly, the opportunistic writing that …

Where I wrote #6

I broke the writing drought. At sea. That’s right. This post is brought to you by P&O. My little family is just back from some cruisin’. And while I’m not completely caught up, I got my write on, all over that boat. I wrote on the top deck. I wrote …

Where I wrote #4

This weekend, Master Sporty was in the State School Spectacular. Dancing. It was pretty special to see this kid and one of his sporty mates in sparkles dancing to spice girls. And he loved it. To achieve this sparkly goodness involved 3 train trips to the city in one day. …

Where I wrote #3

I was supposed to be giving blood. But then my iron levels from the finger prick test were too low. So, they thought they’d use a vein to check my iron levels, and if they were OK, they’d use the other vein to steal my blood. As it happened though, …

Where I wrote #2

I keep telling myself I can’t write or even brainstorm when I run. But this doesn’t stop me trying. Because honestly, you need to distract yourself when you’re running. On Thursday, I had an idea while I was running. This week’s theme for Tania McCartney’s 52 week picture book challenge, is …

Where I wrote

I think I write best on trains. Maybe it’s the built in deadline of arriving at a destination and having to put the pen down. Maybe it’s that something else is moving, so I can stay still. Maybe I’m inspired by the *ahem* colourful characters around me. But I do …