Children's Author | Book Lover

Free scavenger hunts for schools, libraries and kindergartens

Are you looking for a fun activity for your school, kindergarten or library families, with literary goodness? You’ve come to the right place. With my picture book inspired scavenger hunts, families get the benefits of fresh air, and an opportunity to revisit a favourite book. Some of them even have a craft activity attached. You can find out more about the scavenger hunts here.

Here’s how you can use them:

In the classroom or library session:

If you want to provide one of my scavenger hunts as a classroom or storytime activity (virtual or one day hopefully, face to face), feel free. Please register and print them off. And please tell your teacherly friends. I just ask that you get them to sign up for their own copy rather than sharing the PDF with them directly. I want to be able to share new scavenger hunts with people who’ve used them directly.

Promoting to your families or members:

These scavenger hunts make a great school holidays activity, especially in lockdown. I’d love for you to promote them via your newsletters or social media. Again, I ask that you don’t share the PDFs directly, rather that you ask people to sign up for their own copy.

I’ve even prepared some blurbs that you can cut and paste into your newsletters (feel free to edit!) or socials.

Newsletter blurb

Here’s a series of free scavenger hunts to help get your children out into the fresh air. Inspired by classic picture books like Where is the Green Sheep? and The Very Hungry Caterpillar, there are new ones released each week, and some even have craft activities for when you get home. They were created by Melbourne based aspiring author Anita Weller, as a fun lockdown activity. Sign up at:


Right click and select Save Image As to use these images.

Socials blurb

Looking for a free lockdown friend activity to get the children outside? Check out these scavenger hunts by local author Anita Weller. They’re inspired by classic picture books, and there’s a new one released every week. Sign up at: