Children's Author | Book Lover
NaNoWriMo Day 16

NaNoWriMo Day 16

Today was a stinker. No, it’s Melbourne, it wasn’t that warm.

But I was quite productive. Productive about farts.

I wrote a list of fart synonyms. That was fun.

Then, I wrote a synopsis for book 3 in my junior fiction series. Part of it included coming up with fart songs. Any existing song title with the word “heart” in it is fair game right? But also a bit too easy. So, I had to come up with some harder ones.

But seriously, how much would I love to do this as a job? This is the MOST fun!

Pretty happy that I got a synopsis done. Tomorrow? More farts. Synopsis for book 4. It’s going to be about setting the record for farts. So many categories to think of. Longest, smelliest… well these are the obvious ones. Interested to see what other silliness worms its way in.

Until tomorrow…