Children's Author | Book Lover
NaNoWriMo Day 20

NaNoWriMo Day 20

Eeek! It’s not a picture book. My latest “space” idea that’s been rattling around in my head is not a picture book.

What to do?

I’ve written up a fair bit, but it’s a cute idea that is not a book at all really.

There’s lots of options:

  • turn it into some sort of educational book. BUT I’m not qualified really to talk about space and I don’t know much about educational stuff
  • article for a magazine (like school magazine)
  • change it up completely to make it a picture book. I have an idea on how to do this, but not sure if it’s a good idea.

I think option 2 AND 3 are best. But for the purposes of nanowrimo, I think I’m done.

Everyone OK with that?
