Children's Author | Book Lover
ASA’s Virtual School Appearances

ASA’s Virtual School Appearances

I’ve often said that I’d happily watch a movie where Bill Murray sits on his verandah and watches his grass grow. He doesn’t have to do a whole lot to make me laugh. There are some people who are just worth watching or listening to.

In KidLit world Deb Abela is on that list. Her enthusiasm is infectious. So when the Australian Society of Authors sent out an invite to a presentation about virtual school visits, and Deb Abela was one of the presenters, it didn’t take me long to click RSVP.

Along with fellow presenter, Paul MacDonald from The Children’s Bookshop Speakers’ Agency, Deb outlined 20 tips for virtual school visits. You can follow along with my notes below.

Tips for Virtual School Visits

In my day job, I have spent a LARGE amount of time in virtual meetings for the past 2 years. I’ve worked from home for 20 years. I thought there might be a lot I already knew. And yeah, I’m down with plans for keeping the house quiet and having backup plans for dodgy internet. My kids can be at remote school on their iPad, while they watch Netflix on their phone and game with friends on their Playstation , so I’ve crossed that bridge many a time.

BUT, I had not thought about the importance of my lighting (Deb’s lighting is next level) or background or even tried different sound options. I LOVE the idea of recording dry runs on Zoom. So easy, yet such a smart thing to do. And quite frankly, something I should have done BEFORE my KidLitVic pitch sessions 2 weeks ago.

This morning I logged onto yet another Zoom meeting. My son’s cockatiel tweeted to my colleagues (from her cage half on screen in the background). My border collie pup jumped on my office door handle, opened the door, stretched, then jumped on the couch behind me. My glasses glared blue from the poor lighting hitting my glasses straight on, rather than from above. Time to lift my Zoom game. And now I know how.

Thanks ASA!